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Our Services

Quality Childcare Services

Our childcare services provide a nurturing and safe environment where children thrive. With dedicated and experienced staff, we ensure each child receives personalised attention and care. 

Focus on Health

Our nutritious snacks are carefully selected to provide essential nutrients and energy for children all day.

Well-being Matters

Through social interaction, physical activity and creative expression we support the overall well being.

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Our Services

Our service means an exciting and social extension of the child’s day, while enabling parents to manage work and life commitments knowing that their children are receiving the highest level of care from a school-approved provider, on school grounds.

A relaxed and engaging start to the day!

1 hour for junior and senior infants until 1st-6th class finish

Full day care provided for staff training days and additional closures

October Mid-Term, February Mid-Term, Easter and Summer

For more information, please contact us. (8).png

Before School Care

A relaxed and engaging start to the day!

Junior Hour

1 hour for junior and senior infants until 1st-6th class finish

After School Care

For all

School Closure days

Full day care provided for staff training days and additional closures

Holiday Programmes

October Mid-Term, February Mid-Term, Easter and Summer

Our Services

Placing childvoice at the centre of Childcare

Looking after child

Before School Care

Our before school care service is an ideal solution for busy households with tight schedules in the morning. We offer a relaxed and engaging start to the day with jigsaws, board games and books, along with a nutritious breakfast. Our team will bring the children to meet their teachers, making mornings now stress free! See specific schools for opening times.

Children playing

Junior Hour

Our team will collect your little people in Junior and Senior infants where they will engage in a range of free play activities where they can explore, experiment and create with their peers until the children from 1st to 6th class finish school. You have the option to pick up then or you can extend their day with their friends until later in the afternoon.

Child skipping

After School Care

Our after school care begins right after your child’s school day ends. We provide a safe space for the children to unwind, socialise with peers and choose their adventure. We believe students’ learning and wellbeing is best supported through a unique blend of structured and unstructured activities that are both active and engaging. (8).png

Child voice

We prioritize children's perspectives.

Decision making

Safety guides our choices.

Children safety

We ensure children's safety above all.

Inquisitive mind

Nurturing curiosity is central.

Fun and Social

Learning is fun and social.


Nature is our learning ground.

What we offer (8).png

Free Choice Open Play

We encourage children to follow their own instincts, imagination and interests. They are provided with a variety of games, toys, activities and resources and are given the freedom to choose their activities and play.

Little girl reading

Activity Zones

Each day we set up activities and resources in a variety of areas; sport, lego, science, arts and crafts, drama, dance or yoga. The daily options are shared with the children and they can choose their favourite activity.

Kids playing inside

Homework & Education

We provide children with a designated time and space to complete homework tasks so they can get ahead or catch up! Should students have a homework free afternoon we have educational resources available should the students want to use them.

Kids playing outside

Our Approach

We employ a three tier approach to programming at Laochra Academy, which is designed to ensure active, engaging, fun and inclusive options are available, and which also responds to the preferences of students and parents, and compliments the schools own philosophy. Our emphasis is on allowing children to follow their own interests, make their own decisions, and take ownership of their experiences.

Our Approach

Our before school care service is an ideal solution for busy households with tight schedules in the morning. We offer a relaxed and engaging start to the day with jigsaws, board games and books and a nutritious breakfast. We team will bring the children to meet their teachers, making mornings now stress free! See specific schools for opening times.

Our Approach

Our before school care service is an ideal solution for busy households with tight schedules in the morning. We offer a relaxed and engaging start to the day with jigsaws, board games and books and a nutritious breakfast. We team will bring the children to meet their teachers, making mornings now stress free! See specific schools for opening times.

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